Komdu í ferðalag um eldfjöll landsins

Komdu með okkur í spennandi ferð um frumlandslag Íslands

Skoðaðu landið sem var mótað af eldi og ís

Svífðu yfir eldfjallalandslagi Íslands og kafaðu djúpt í jörðina til að afhjúpa náttúrukraftana sem mótuðu landið.

Upplifðu hin einstöku náttúruöfl sem mótuðu Ísland

Með háþróaðri margvíddarbíótækni sem á sér engan samanburð á heimsvísu, munt þú upplifa krafta náttúrunnar á nýjan og einstakan máta.

Upplifðu eldfjallaundrið Ísland

Bókaðu miða núna
Volcano express show was very impressive. With the imitating of temperature changes throughout different landscapes it felt as I was directly in it. Breathtaking views! Great experience. Flying over the erupting volcano was simply amazing. Maria and Justyna were very friendly, helpful and welcoming.
Ludmila K.
Review from Google Reviews
I'm not used to write a review but I had to because my family loved it so much! 😍 It was so amazing, like nothing I have experience before 🤩 My daughter said can we go again on the way out 😄 and she is planning to go there with friends on her birthday😄 The staff was also so nice and friendly ✨️
Helga Rún
Reykjavík, Iceland
Review from Google Reviews
Really cool show! 🔥It was both entertaining and fun plus you got to learn about the nature and how magnificent it can be. Hot, cold , earthquakes, lava…. this show got it all. Also really good price and location at Harpa concert hall 👌🏽 Would definitely recommend 💯
Regína J
Review from Google Reviews
Amazing and a bit scary views of the eruption but also a lot of fun! All in all a great show with a real wow factor. Highly recommend it.
Asgerdur J
Review from Google Reviews
Really exciting and fun experience that kept you on the edge of your seat for the whole ride. You fly over the volcanos and see the lava flowing up close, feel the heat as well and the fresh air when flying over the mountains. Great for the whole family, highly recommend.
Reykjavík, Iceland
Review from Google Reviews
A magma river
Show every 15 minutes
2.990 kr. / $20
Show every 15 minutes
2.990 kr. / $20
Show every 15 minutes
2.990 kr. / $20
Show every 15 minutes
2.990 kr. / $20
Show every 15 minutes
2.990 kr. / $20
Show every 15 minutes
2.990 kr. / $20
Show every 15 minutes
2.990 kr. / $20
Show every 15 minutes
2.990 kr. / $20
Show every 15 minutes
2.990 kr. / $20
Show every 15 minutes
2.990 kr. / $20